Practical Afrikan Philosophy 101: Love vs. Hate

By Sis. Yofiwaa Kyekye

A principle is an underlying law required in a system of thought; a rule or law concerning the functioning of natural phenomena or mechanical processes. It is not necessary for one to have knowledge of, believe, understand or accept the existence of a principle for it to function the way it is designed to function; nor does the principle have the capability of demonstrating any emotional reaction to a circumstance brought about as a result of the invocation of that principle – it just is. You do not have to believe that you will die if you jump off a 30 story building without appropriate gear – you just will – and the principle doesn’t take note that you have a family that depends on you before you are allowed to hit the ground. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. What goes up must come down.

The principle of polarity is a system of complementary opposing characteristics residing on the same pole. It is a tool, if properly understood, that is designed to help you bring about whatever state of existence you want to achieve at any given time. To achieve maximum benefit from invoking a principle of polarity, one must understand the attributes of it’s extremes, how to measure how much of either end you need to invoke to reach your desired outcome and how quickly you want that to happen. If one is holding a 6 foot pole sideways in their hands and the desired state of existence is to have it perpendicular to their body, they need to understand the extremes of directional polarity (up and down) within that state of existence (6 foot pole), how they relate to each other in that state of existence and begin to raise and/or lower either end to the appropriate degree until the pole is perfectly vertical. Ultimately it is a manipulation of energy. Expansive/contractive, positive/negative, aggressive/passive, receptive/resistant, logical/intuitive, hate/love; these are all examples of principle pairs of complementary oppositional polarity, or poles. Understanding how to affectively use and manipulate the energy of these principles of polarity will transform your life to whatever state of existence you desire. Not understanding how to affectively use and manipulate the energy of these principles of polarity will do the opposite.

Each polarity pole extreme can be categorized as an expansive end and a contractive end, with varying degrees of a mixture of both covering all the space in between, up to the midpoint which has an equal portion of both. For example with ‘temperature’ having an expansive end of hot and a contractive end of cold, one can achieve the desired state of existence by simply manipulating the amount of heat and coldness allowed into that setting. This principle applies regardless of the venue in which it’s applied (i.e. water, air, food, etc) and irrespective of who invokes it.

Positive and negative are well known complementary opposites. We use them affectively in mathematics, electricity, accounting, etc. We’re taught how they function independent of each other, how they relate to each and the direction or measure of either that needs to be invoked to achieve the desired end result. If I want more I simply add to what I have (positive), and if I want less I subtract (negative). This concept is very easy to understand when applying it to the state of existence of ‘things’ but we tend to get a bit confused when trying to apply it in our lives to affect our own state of existence – individually and collectively. This is partly because this society mis-educates us to believe that in life positive is inherently good and something we should gravitate towards, while negative is inherently evil and something we should run away from despite the widely known understanding of the relationship between positive and negative in everything else. Positive and negative obviously not inherently good or inherently evil just as no other natural resource that is available to us; it is the use of the resource that will determine if the result will bring about a good or bad state of existence. So to bring about a desired state of existence it’s important to understand the current state of existence, the desired state of existence and how they relate to each other.

For example, one must add ([+], positive) heat to a state of existence to get to hot and subtract ([-], negative) heat from it to get to cold. If someone turns on a warm water faucet, adds ([+], positive) too much heat and stick their hand under it, they will be burned. Obviously this positive act is not inherently good nor does the degree of the burn demonstrate that heat is inherently evil. This less than desirable result is achieved because one didn’t understand the current state of the water and/or the relational action required to achieve the desired state of the water.

People also often and incorrectly classify ‘good and evil’ as the extremes of one polarity pole, which is absolutely untrue. If evil is defined as something that is inherently bad or wrong, then it’s polarity opposite (if it exists) would be something that is inherently good or right. If they are truly polarity opposites then the invocation of one within a state of existence will automatically cause the other to increase or decrease to some degree because they are in essence the same energy on the same pole of existence that consists of varying degrees of both extremes. But if something is inherently evil it doesn’t matter how much good you expose it to; it will never become inherently good.

Along this same line, we have been mislead into believing that love is innately right, good and of ‘god’ while hate is innately wrong, bad and of the ‘devil’; that it is consuming and requires great effort. In fact one of the foundational basis upon which pseudo-religion is manufactured is the battle between a personified good and a personified evil – neither of which exist. Even in the way that some indigenous religions are practiced today you’ll find measures of this belief. For example one will say that light will overcome the darkness but the truth is light has it’s time and purpose and so does darkness; they are not enemies of each other, they are complements. The invocation of love within a state of existence is just as capable of resulting in destruction as an invocation of hate. But love and hate are complementary opposing attributes and are neither innately good nor evil; they just are. Both are necessary, each having it’s own important ethical purpose, and neither principle standing alone is greater; as divinely demonstrated in the example of conception which requires at least one whole egg and at least one whole sperm. There is a time to love and a time to hate; a time to give and a time to take; a time to invoke peace and a time to invoke war; a time to heal and a time to kill.

Love and hate are considered opposing emotions, both of which are the catalyst that evokes an action/reaction. To love is to accept, embrace, nurture or grow; to hate is to refuse to accept, reject, break, or destroy. Hate is defined as “an emotion of intense revulsion, enmity, or antipathy for a person, thing, or phenomenon, generally attributed to a desire to avoid, restrict, remove, or destroy the hated object.…. hate is a rational reaction to people whose interests consistently conflict with one’s own. Hate is an emotion, hence it serves the protective mode of a person. People whose behavior threatens one’s own survival interests are to be hated, while people whose behavior enhances one’s survival prospects are to be liked or even loved*.” This is an objective look at hate, defined from the perspective of the ‘hater’, showing hate as an emotional reaction and an intelligent, rational response to abuse and/or abusers. Therefore exercising the appropriate measure of hate at the right time towards those people or things that threaten your survival is natural, healthy and intelligent; not consuming or self destructive as we are lead to believe. In fact, the reverse is destructive because it causes an internal battle within one’s self to suppress a natural reaction to a bad situation or state of existence.

The source of this destructive belief in love versus hate lays in the existence and practice of hedonism, whose root is in europe that proclaims pleasure and happiness as the most important personal pursuit in life and is the highest moral good. Understanding the relational component of polarity, those who manufactured hedonism aren’t concerned with nor accept responsibility for any less than desirable states of existence that is created in the lives of others as a result of this pursuit. In other words they are manipulating the principles of polarity inappropriately within this state of existence to achieve their hedonistic state of existence. And these are the authors of the pseudo-religions, their associated books and the characters in them.

Emotion is loosely defined as ‘an intense mental state that arises autonomically in the nervous system rather than through conscious effort, and evokes either a positive or negative psychological response.’ This simply means that there is an involuntary neurological response triggered by emotion that compels us to respond. The neurological reaction causes the release of hormones (i.e. epinephrine, pheromones, etc.) in response to an individual, a situation, circumstance, thought, belief, etc. Thus the function of emotion is to alert our faculties that something is occurring and we must prepare the appropriate principle response and implement it. In the case of danger, a cat demonstrates this entire explanation by an impulsive raise in their back and a hissing sound in preparation to strike. Emotion is also connected with our spirit (the essence of who we are) and can be intentionally or unintentionally invoked through internal stimuli (thoughts, impressions, views, etc.) or external stimuli (people interactions, experiences, observances, etc.). It manifests itself to the individual as a sense of urgency in their spirit that something must be done. An invocation of love can cause the release of pheromones which bring to us and radiate from us pleasant feelings, thoughts and/or behaviors upon which we feel compelled to act. More importantly it can cause us to lower our guard (relaxed mode). In contrast hate can cause the release of epinephrine (adrenaline) which bring to us and radiate from us less than pleasant feelings, thoughts and/or behaviors upon which we feel compelled to act, which causes us to raise our guard (protective mode). As you can see each of these examples are designed to work for the benefit of the individual (or whole) and both are absolutely, positively, without a doubt necessary and productive in the appropriate circumstance when applied correctly.

In our bodies, hate demonstrates itself constructively through the immune system. Our immune system has multiple levels of defenses that continuously work on our behalf to fight against bacteria and viruses we come in contact with. For example our lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) are constantly patrolling the body on a ‘seek and destroy’ mission looking for cancerous cells. When one is discovered the lymphocyte immediately attacks it and sends a signal to the entire immune system to produce B and T cells to aid in the destruction/eradication of the invading cell. If love prevailed in this circumstance with the body embracing the cancerous cell, whether intentionally or unintentionally invoked, that would leave the body vulnerable to disease and ultimately death.

So clearly there is an appropriate need and use for love and hate and neither is innately better than the other. The best one to invoke at any given time is the one (in the right amount) that will yield the desired result – period. But out of our ignorance we elevate love and suppress hate. Unfortunately, suppressing it doesn’t exempt us from the autonomic nature of the emotion; hormones are still automatically released. If we do not appropriately act upon them, they simply build up over time and ultimately manifest themselves as an internal sickness within one’s personal body or an external sickness within the body of relationships we have in our lives. ‘The straw that broke the camel’s back’ is simply a build up of emotions that explode at an unexpected (and sometimes unwarranted) time and is usually directed towards those closest to us. This is the destructive, consuming aspect that we incorrectly apply to hate. But hate, in and of itself, isn’t consuming; ignoring or suppressing appropriately directed hate is. Proper exercising of hate frees us from this build up of emotions and it’s adverse consequences. Further, it forces us to confront the evils and injustices we face everyday. It is important to note that invoking the appropriate measure of either extreme of any polarity understanding each extreme, how they relate to each other and the desired state of existence one would like to achieve is key – being careful not to ‘over shoot’ or ‘over-correct’ one’s self in trying to achieve the desired state of existence.

But understand, it takes intelligence and courage to hate (reject) evil; especially in a society, community or family that don’t fully comprehend the importance of hate. Some people knowingly have pedophiles in their family and continue to exercise love towards this doer of evil by allowing them to continue to participate in family functions, even where children are included. The sad part about this kind of scenario is some family members will go so far as to defend the pedophile, condemning family members who speak out against them saying they shouldn’t judge. This is not only an inappropriate use of the love principle, but it’s clearly insane because it unnecessarily leaves the children open to potential abuse in the future. The appropriate reaction that will free a parent and the child from the long lasting internal battles that occur when someone sexually violates their child is to match the pedophilic crime (cancerous cell) with a comparable measure of hate (immune system). Such an event will act as a catalyst that will either force the pedophile to resolve their issues (at least around your children) or drive them away because they know there are consequences (reactions) for their inappropriate actions against children. In either case, the family remains functional and healthy (free of that disease), and the children are protected.

To achieve true freedom and balance within our life and in the life of our community we must begin to understand and be willing and able to intentionally invoke, correctly direct and appropriately exercise both love and hate, and all other principles of polarity, at the appropriate times. When we pick and choose to invoke one end of a polarity pole without fully understanding it’s characteristics, relationship with it’s polarity opposite and how it works we leave ourselves open to confusion and suffering without resolution. On the other hand when we work properly use them – on purpose – we can bring about whatever state of existence we desire.

1 thought on “Practical Afrikan Philosophy 101: Love vs. Hate

  1. “To achieve true freedom and balance within our life and in the life of our community we must begin to understand and be willing and able to intentionally invoke, correctly direct and appropriately exercise both love and hate, and all other principles of polarity, at the appropriate times. When we pick and choose to invoke one end of a polarity pole without fully understanding it’s characteristics, relationship with it’s polarity opposite and how it works we leave ourselves open to confusion and suffering without resolution. On the other hand when we work properly use them – on purpose – we can bring about whatever state of existence we desire.”
    Very good post brother!


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